What is the microbiome, can it affect our brain and how we feel?
Does it matter what we put into our mouths and how does this effect the microbiome, did you know different microbes feed off different food items? So many questions and we are only just beginning to discover the answers……. I’ll be keeping an eye on the research and updating you as more evidence emerges. Here’s an interesting article on the microbiome published in the Guardian 2018, don’t forget to check out this youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzPD009qTN4
Is Organic Food better for us?
The evidence is out and is something I will be looking into in more detail in the future. In the meantime, I enjoyed this article from Guy at Riverford Organics where I get my organic vegetables and produce https://www.riverford.co.uk/pet/ alongside the local Health food shop Organic Health https://www.cambridgesustainablefood.org/directory/organic-health/
The BBC quotes in the following review “Of course, pesticides affect the environment, so that is one reason for buying organic. But as far as your health is concerned, current scientific research suggests that the fruit or veg sold in the UK does not contain levels that could be harmful – whether organic or not.”
My opinion: “The trouble is in todays society there are so many toxins in our environment, many more than we had when our Grandparents were growing up and the accumulation of these toxins may be affecting our health, rather than the toxins from one source. I say the less toxins in the better, so a personal choice I’ll opt for organic foods where possible, what have you decided?”
It’s Good to breathe!
Ever find yourself so busy that you are in fact not breathing properly, perhaps you’re holding your breath? You may have seen the Wim Hoff articles in the Guardian last year?https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/aug/04/cosmic-orgasm-rise-of-conscious-breathing Clearly it is a well-known fact that we all need oxygen in our lungs to breath and stay alive. But are we breathing properly? I have multiple sclerosis, so I was intrigued to meet up with Richie Bostock ‘The Breath Guy’ who trained with Wim Hof. He showed me how breathing properly and cold water https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2018/jul/25/cold-bath-cold-shower-heatwave are beneficial for our health and reducing inflammation in the body, now I do my very best to practise breathing and having a cold shower every day! Check him out at the following link: https://www.thebreathguy.co.uk/